A new feature at this, the second edition of EUFONIA as a full festival, is the creation of a choral composition challenge. 33 candidates have entered from six different countries (Belgium, Colombia, Korea, France, Italy and Luxembourg). The short-list jury was made up of Eliane Lavail (Chairwoman), Valérie Philippin, Jean-Louis Agobet, Salvatore Caputo, Loïc Pierre and François Rossé. The jury selected scores by Antoine Chenuet, Emmanuel Filet and Alvaro Herran, which will be performed in public on Sunday October 15th at the city’s Basilica Saint Seurin (Bordeaux) by the professional female ensemble « Voix de Stras », directed by Catherine Bolzinger. Several prizes will be awarded at this concert: two Jury Awards, the SACEM-EUFONIA trophy, and the AMIDEL-EUFONIA Prize awarded by the « Association des Amis d’Eliane Lavail ». Finally, the audience will vote to award its Prix du Public. The Jury was also enthralled with two other scores written by Laurent Coulomb and Leonardo Ortega. Loïc Pierre, the artistic director with the Festival de la Voix in Châteauroux has decided to award one of the 5 afore-mentioned composers a special non-cash award, also to be announced on October 15. This will include publication of the score and an invitation to attend the next edition of the Festival de la Voix with the winning work being performed in concert.
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